This past Sunday saw our celebration of Harvest Festival at St Benet’s, where we came together to celebrate God’s gifts to us and to share with those less fortunate. Being one of our increasingly frequent Children’s Masses, our children played a major role introducing the service, reading the lessons and leading us in our intercessions. They also helped – along with Benet the bear! – gathering in the harvest offerings, before the younger children left for Sunday School where they each planted their very own bulbs in pots. We look forward to seeing them bloom in the spring!
This year, our harvest gifts and donations are going to the C4WS night shelter, which St Benet’s supports. The shelter does vital work in providing a warm place to stay during the coldest months of the year for the most vulnerable in our society, and a number of volunteers from St Benet’s help with everything from cooking meals to washing sheets to sleeping overnight and supervising the shelter. More help is always appreciated, and if anyone would like to help please contact Tom.