In the face of two murders committed last week in Kentish Town, the whole community has united in sympathy and solidarity with the families of the victims, Abdikarim Hassan and Sadiq Mohamed.
Tying Community Together
St Benet’s Church has been keeping all those effected by these recent events in our prayers, and a number of parishioners gathered yesterday on the Peckwater Estate in our parish for a community event called, “Tying Community Together.”
The aim of the event was to surround the whole estate with bunting flags expressing our love and unity in the face of knife violence.
Each person decorated a small flag which then formed a chain of good wishes and prayers around the estate where the victims’ families live. People from all walks of life and many different traditions and communities came together to show their support.
Community Working together
We are very aware at St Benet’s of the terrific work St Luke’s Osney Crescent has been doing over the past few days supporting the community, making their church available to those who might want to reflect and pray, and helping local families and emergency services.
A local community meeting also took place on Friday night, at which our MP, Sir Keir Starmer, QC, was present, along with representatives of the police. Feelings were high, and anger at these recent events was palpable.
Suspects arrested
The BBC reports today that a number of suspects have been charged in relation to these murders. More information can be found here.
Evening of prayer at St Benet’s
We will continue to keep our local community in our prayers at St Benet’s. A Mass of Requiem will be offered on Wednesday 28th Feb at 7.30 pm, and our holy hour before that Mass will be dedicated to praying for peace and justice.