Our Gospel reading this Sunday tells the miracle of Jesus’ walking on water and calming the storm. The disciples are out on the lake and a tempest blows up. In peril, they look out on the waves and see Jesus walking towards them. Peter attempts to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus, but begins to sink and panic. The moment Jesus is in the boat, the storm is calmed
In the Hebrew scriptures, water and sea are frequently seen as the source of chaos and danger. This miracle speaks strongly to us of the ways in which we need Jesus with us to calm the storms of life that whirl around us: the storms of worry and anxiety; of uncertainty about the future; of concern about injustice and inequality in our world; of feeling our own vulnerability and fragility at a time of pandemic.
Jesus seeks to help, calm, and strengthen us just as he did the disciples in the middle of their storm.
This week’s pew sheet can be found here.
Adult formation classes this autumn
Because of the continuing Coronavirus crisis, and the high likelihood that Covid restrictions may be in place for much of the autumn, our programme of Christian formation in the second half of 2020 will take the form of a series of online Zoom seminars. This means that they can take place whether people are able to meet physically or not. Here are some details of what is planned:
Monthly online theology seminars
We are going to organise a monthly seminar to explore some of the theological and philosophical questions that come up in the Christian life of faith. Each seminar will begin at 6.00 pm and will be no more than an hour long. There will be a presentation, followed by a time for questions, and then discussion. In order to participate, simply be in touch with Fr Peter to get the password needed to access the Zoom meeting.
Topics to be covered include:
“What is Anglo-Catholicism?” – Wednesday 16th September
“Reflecting theologically on lockdown through literature” – Thursday 8th October
“What do Christians believe happens when we die?” – Tuesday 3rd November
“What do the gospels tell us about the birth of Jesus?” – Thursday 3rd December
For full details of topics and dates to be covered, see the following page on ourparish website.
Theology Book Club
In addition, there will also be a theology book club organised through the autumn. The purpose of the St Benet’s Book Club will be to offer a forum for theological reflection and discussion in the light of a book that we agree to read together. The Theology Book club will also meet by Zoom.
The idea is that a book is discussed each time we meet once a month at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday evening. It would be ideal to have read the book before the seminar, but if you are still half way through or just starting, don’t let that stop you joining us.
The books we will look at this autumn include: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, (Tuesday 22nd September); Ghost Ship: Institutional Racism and the Church of England by A.D.A. France-Williams (Tuesday 27th October); and The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni (Tuesday 24th November).
It is expected that participants acquire their own copies of the texts to be discussed. All of the books proposed are currently in print as paperbacks and can be obtained easily on Amazon.
For full details of topics and dates to be covered, see the following page on ourparish website.
Monthly Mass in German
The presence of the Coronavirus makes carrying on in our usual pattern of monthly German Masses a little difficult. Through the Autumn, therefore, we will try to keep our German Mass going, but with a few alterations to make our worship and fellowship Covid secure.
On Sunday 6th September, if the weather permits, we will have a time of conversation and fellowship in our church garden after a 4.00 pm Mass. Modest refreshments will be served in a Covid safe way. We will follow whatever the government advice is at the time.
For Sunday 4th October and Sunday 1st November, our German Mass will simply be turned into a celebration of Evening Prayer in German online by Zoom at 4.00 pm. This removes the need for us to worry about how refreshments will take place as we will all be in the warmth of our own homes tuning in!
We will attempt to celebrate our annual Advent Carol Service in German on Sunday 6th December in person in St Benet’s Church. We will try to have a much music a possible at this, but it is unlikely this will include congregational singing. This event will almost certainly have to be ticketed, to avoid overcrowding in our church. A verdict on whether this service is possible will be take closer to the time depending on public health guidelines issued by the government.
Full details of German Masses can be found here.
Confirmation classes
Confirmation classes will begin again in September for a confirmation on Sunday 13th December. These will be a mixture of Zoom classes and meeting in person. Details to follow, but if you would like your child to be confirmed, please let Fr Peter know.
Online liturgies
From now on, there will just be one Sunday Mass recorded each week on a Saturday night with a homily which will be uploaded to our parish YouTube channel for those who are still shielding or are uncertain about leaving their homes.
Services for the coming week
Please note that until further notice, our weekly Mass at Ash Court, Holy Hour, Rosary, and our monthly German Mass are suspended. In place of the Ash Court Mass, there will be a Saturday evening Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00 pm. This is a Mass of Sunday celebrated the evening before as our liturgical celebration of Sunday begins. If you find it difficult to get to Mass on a Sunday morning, you can come instead on Saturday evening. Coming on a Saturday evening may also help make the 11.00 am Mass on Sunday less busy, as we can only fit 40 people in church and remain Covid safe.
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm MassTuesday 11th August
S. Clare
11.00 am MassWednesday 12th August
S. Jane Frances de Chantal
7.30 pm Mass
Thursday 13th August
Ss. Pontian and Hippolytus
7.30 pm Mass
Friday 14th August
S. Maximillian Kolbe
11.00 am Mass
Saturday 15th August
6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 16th August
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm Mass
Full details of all our Covid planning and liturgical arrangements can be found here.