St Matthew presents us in our Mass readings this Sunday with a story about two sons.
One appears obedient, says he will do his father’s will, but thinks better of it, ignores his father, and goes away. The other one, by contrast, appeared quarrelsome and refused his father’s request, but in the end does it and goes to work in his vineyard.
“Which of the two did the father’s will?” asks Jesus.
This story takes us right to the heart of the importance of authenticity in our Christian faith: not just professing the externals, but doing our father’s will; not just appearing to be religious, but actually putting our faith into practice; not just saying we believe, but living that out through regular worship; not just professing the virtue of charity, but actually giving away our time and resources in the service of others.
The authenticity of our faith is the most important thing which will make a difference in persuading others of the truth of the Gospel, and of the promise that God makes to them, too, of eternal life in him.
Fr Peter Anthony
Recording of this Sunday’s Mass
A recording of this Sunday’s Mass (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time) with a homily will be available here on our parish YouTube channel from the evening of 26th September.
This week’s pew sheet is available here.
Theology Book Club: Ghost Ship by A.D.A. France Williams
Tuesday 27th Oct 7.30 pm
Our theology book club was a great success last week. The next session looks at an extraordinary new work called Ghost Ship just published this year by A.D.A. France Williams. His book tackles head on the problems of racism and prejudice within the Church of England.
Sam Wells has the following to say about Ghost Ship: ‘France-Williams employs a formidable range of approaches – among them testimony, academic categories, careful research, interviews, anecdote, poetry, humour, parody, exegesis and close reading – to mount a compelling and urgent argument for the church’s institutional and personal failure to receive the gift the Holy Spirit in the lives, bodies and callings of its BAME witnesses. Most of all he models prophetic ministry: pleading, portraying, persuading and ultimately inspiring the church that has caused so much hurt and grief but that despite all he still bravely loves. This is a testament of truth; and an epistle of power.’
The purpose of the St Benet’s Book Club is to offer a forum for theological reflection and debate in the light of a book that we agree to read together. The Theology Book club meets by Zoom. The idea is that a book is discussed each time we meet at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday evening. It would be ideal to have read the book before the seminar, but if you are still half way through or just starting, don’t let that stop you joining us.
It is expected that participants acquire their own copies of the texts to be discussed. All of the books proposed are currently in print as paperbacks and can be obtained on Amazon.
To access this seminar, either click here, or use the following Zoom meeting ID: 820 0252 0620
Restored Pieta
A Pieta belonging to St Benet’s church which has languished in the organ loft for many years has returned from the restorer’s and looks fantastic. It has been mounted on the wall of the Lady Chapel over the altar.
It was restored using a benefaction generously provided for us in the will of Iris Reynolds, and will stand, therefore, as a memorial to her. For more information about the picture and its creator, see this article on our parish website’s.
Next online Theology seminar:
Reflecting theologically on lockdown through literature.
Thursday 8th October 2020 6.00 pm
All of us have a lot to process from the time of lock down, the “new normal,” and continued anxieties about Coronavirus.
One thing a lot of people seemed to have more time for during lockdown was reading. This seminar will be an opportunity to share insights we gained about life and faith from what we read and witnessed happening around us in lock down.
There may be books you found particularly helpful, or films and poems that especially spoke to you in a new way. Bring your experiences and share with others at this seminar as we seek to make some sense of where God was at work in our lives through this difficult and curious year.
To access the seminar, either click here, or us the following Zoom Meeting ID: 842 9462 9130
Confirmation classes
Confirmation classes will begin again soon for a confirmation on Sunday 13th December. These will be a mixture of Zoom classes and meeting in person. Details to follow, but if you would like your child to be confirmed, please let Fr Peter know.
German worship: Zoom Evening Prayer.
Sunday 4th October 2020 4.00 pm
Instead of our usual German Mass followed by Kaffee und Kuchen, our German speaking community will meet by Zoom on Sunday 4th October for Evening Prayer at 4.00 pm. This will be followed by an opportunity for conversation in German.
To access German evening prayer, either click here or use the following Zoom Meeting ID: 885 2804 7372
Services for the week beginning 27th September 2020
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm MassTuesday 29th September
S. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
11.00 am Mass
Wednesday 30th September
S. Jerome
7.30 pm Mass
Thursday 1st October
S. Therese of the Child Jesus
7.30 pm Mass
Friday 2nd October
Holy Guardian Angels
11.00 am Mass
Saturday 3rd October
6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 4th October
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm Mass
Full details of all our Covid planning and liturgical arrangements can be found here.