In the Gospel this Sunday we read the account of the Transfiguration: a moment where the disciples glimpse the splendours of the life to come. We experience the same foretaste of heaven each time we celebrate the Mass, in whatever situation or place. As we pray for the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth, let us keep our eyes fixed firmly on heaven. Please pray for: The Faithful departed If you would like to make your confession this Lent, or find out more about this way in which we can receive God’s forgiveness, please speak to or contact Father Guy. Have you ever wondered how it came to be that we worship God in the way that we do? Do you want to learn more about the mass? Bread of Heaven is our Lent Course this year – an opportunity to learn more about the meaning and history of the main act of Christian worship. It begins on Monday 7th of March at 7pm following the 6.30pm mass and runs for 4 more weeks: 14th Mar: ‘Do this in Remembrance of Me’ The cover art this week is The Transfiguration of Jesus (1997) by Augustin Kolawole Olayinka. |
The 2nd Sunday of Lent Sunday 13th March 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School Lent Feria Monday 14th March 6.30pm Mass 7pm Lent Course Lent Feria Tuesday 15th March 8.30am Mass Lent Feria Wednesday 16th March 7pm Sung Mass Of Requiem Saint Patrick Thursday 17th March 10am Mass Lent Feria Friday 18th March 9.30am Mass Saint Joseph Saturday 19th March Father Guy’s day off The 3rd Sunday of Lent Sunday 20th March 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |