“Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you” – words said at every mass, taken from the Gospel for today. Hardly a present universal reality, so just an aspiration? Far more than that: because as God’s children we know that we are loved and we know the eternal peace of heaven for which we hope. With that knowledge, even in the worst of times, we can have true peace. Please pray for: The Faithful departed The Homezone festival on Lupton Street will take place on Saturday 11th June – save the date. The cover art this week is The New Jerusalem, circa 1000. Folio 55r of the Bamberg Apocalypse held in the Staatsbibliothek, Bamberg. Pentecost is Sunday 5th June and at 5pm we are invited to join our neighbours at Our Lady, Help of Christians on Lady Margaret Road for sung Evening Prayer. The preacher will be Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, Prior of St Dominic’s. If you would like to join the choir for this there is a practice on Wednesday 25th May at 7.30pm at Our Lady’s Patronal Festival of Saint Benet Monday 11th July – 7pm Yours in Christ Jesus Our Lord, Father Guy |
6th Sunday of Easter Sunday 22nd May 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School Easter Feria Monday 23rd May 6.30pm Mass Of Requiem Easter Feria Tuesday 24th May 8.30am Mass St Bede the Venerable Wednesday 25th May 6.30pm Mass and Benediction The Ascension of the Lord Thursday 26th May 8.30am Mass St Augustine of Canterbury Friday 27th May 12 noon Mass Of Requiem Easter Feria Saturday 28th May Father Guy’s rest day 7th Sunday of Easter of the Ascension of the Lord Sunday 29th May 11am Sung Mass and Sunday Schoo |