Stewardship, or the importance of caring for that which we have been given, is often spoken about in reference to wealth or the planet. But the parable told by Jesus today can remind us the the inheritance of faith which we have received, and the promise of the kingdom of God, are an even more precious gift to be cared for – and passed on. You can donate using card online to support St Benet’s: every penny counts! You can also donate by cash or card in person, by texting BENET followed by your donation amount to 70450 to give that amount. Or why not set up a regular standing order with your bank? The cover art this week is The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, an 1885 reproduction of a miniature from the Book of the Gospels of the monastery Echternach, 10th century, Germany. Location unknown. |
27th Sunday of the Year
Sunday 8th October11am Sung Mass and Sunday School St John Henry Newman
Sunday 15th OctoberMonday 9th October 6.30pm Mass SS. Denis and Companions Tuesday 10th October 8.30am Mass St John XXIII Wednesday 11th October 6.30pm Mass and Benediction St Wilfrid Thursday 12th October 8.30am Mass St Edward the Confessor Friday 13th October 12 noon Mass (Latin) St Callistus Saturday 14th October No Mass 28th Sunday of the Year 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |