Usually, careful consideration is best when making a big decision. However, when Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James and John to follow him they do so immediately, leaving everything behind. What are we to take from this? Maybe one lesson is that if we are really open to God, we will see the right path more clearly – and have the courage to take it. You can see the readings for this coming Sunday here. |
3rd Sunday of the Year
11am Sung Mass and Sunday SchoolSunday 21st January St Vincent
11am Sung Mass and Sunday SchoolMonday 22nd January No Mass Feria Tuesday 23rd January No Mass St Francis de Sales Wednesday 24th January 6.30pm Mass and Benediction Conversion of St Paul Thursday 25th January No Mass SS Timothy and Titus Friday 26th January No Mass St Angela Merici Saturday 27th January No Mass 4th Sunday of the Year Sunday 28th January |