When Jesus miraculously supplies wine from water at the wedding at Cana, he doesn’t just show his tacit approval for joyful celebration of what is good in creation. He also foreshadows the life-giving place that the fruits of the earth, bread and wine, will play in the life giving feast of the Mass which he will institute at his Last Supper. The readings for this Sunday are available here. Please pray for: The Faithful departed Wine Tasting: ‘Wines of Lebanon’ Thursday 13th February 7pm Pilgrimage to Lourdes Those aged 12-18 stay at the Youth Village and are subsidised by the Society so it costs only £100. The adult price is £765 plus a single room supplement of £140 if desired. Booking at: https://www.tangney-tours.com/ The cover art is The Wedding at Cana by Watanabe Sadao (1971) held at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco. |
2nd Sunday of the Year
Sunday 19th January 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School St Sebastian Monday 20th January 6.30pm Mass Of Requiem St Agnes Tuesday 21st January 8.30am Mass St Vincent Wednesday 22nd January 6.30pm Mass & Benediction Feria Thursday 23rd January 8.30am Mass St Francis de Sales Friday 24th January 12 noon Mass (Latin, readings in English) Conversion of St Paul Saturday 25th January No Mass 3rd Sunday of the Year Sunday 26th January 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |