Stations of the Cross – 7.00 pm every Friday in Lent beginning Friday 6th March 2020*
*with the exception of Friday 27th March 2020, which is the date of our Lent lecture.
There will be the opportunity to pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday night in Lent at 7.00 pm. Each praying of the Stations of the Cross will be followed by a Mass at 7.30pm.
During the Stations of the Cross, we trace the last moments of Jesus’ life through meditating on a series of 14 moments during his final hours. For each of these “stations” we stop, and are presented with an image of the event to help us contemplate the agony and the love in Christ’s heart as he approached his death.
These fourteen images are placed around St Benet’s Church. Our movement around the church embodies our emotional moving with Christ through his Passion. That movement allows us to grasp its meaning in a more heart felt way, and thankfully accompany Christ as he is abandoned by those around him.
We pray the Stations of the Cross in a slightly different way on Good Friday. At 7.30pm on Friday 10th April 2019, we pray the Maria Desolata. This involves making our way backwards through the Stations, from Christ’s burial to his condemnation at the hands of Pilate. We look back on the events of the day as if through Mary’s eyes. We bring the events of our salvation back to mind through the perspective of the only person faithfully to stand by Jesus no matter what and without question. We spend time feeling her desolation, and her wonder at the actions of her Son.