Our readings from the scriptures this Sunday speak to us of the various ways in which God feeds us. The miracle of the Feeding of the 5000, described in our gospel, displays his bounty and his generosity which goes beyond what we might imagine or describe as possible. This echoes Isaiah’s description of the Mountain of the Lord as a place of feasting and feeding.
We have all gone through the strange experience of spiritual drought and hunger over the past few months, unable to celebrate the Eucharist together. Let this Sunday be an opportunity to renew our thanks to God for the Mass and to pledge ourselves afresh to making this fount of life and hope an important part of our life.
Fr Peter
This week’s pew sheet can be found here.
Online liturgies
From now on, there will just be one Sunday Mass recorded each week on a Saturday night with a homily which will be uploaded to our parish YouTube channel for those who are still shielding or are uncertain about leaving their homes.
Church Cleaning
There will be a church cleaning day next Saturday 8th August from 11.00 am. Do please come and help fight the dust and cobwebs.
Confirmation classes
Confirmation classes will begin again in September for a confirmation on Sunday 13th December. These will be a mixture of Zoom classes and meeting in person. Details to follow, but if you would like your child to be confirmed, please let Fr Peter know.
Services for the coming week
Please note that until further notice, our weekly Mass at Ash Court, Holy Hour, Rosary, and our monthly German Mass are suspended. In place of the Ash Court Mass, there will be a Saturday evening Vigil Mass of Sunday at 6.00 pm. This is a Mass of Sunday celebrated the evening before as our liturgical celebration of Sunday begins. If you find it difficult to get to Mass on a Sunday morning, you can come instead on Saturday evening. Coming on a Saturday evening may also help make the 11.00 am Mass on Sunday less busy, as we can only fit 40 people in church and remain Covid safe.
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm MassTuesday 4th August
S. John Vianney
11.00 am Mass
Wednesday 5th August
Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major
7.30 pm Mass
Thursday 6th August
7.30 pm Mass
Friday 7th August
S. Sixtus II and companions
11.00 am Mass
Saturday 8th August
S. Dominic
6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 9th August
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm
Liturgical Arrangements for Masses until further notice
The most important thing to note is that until further notice, St Benet’s can only accommodate a maximum of around 40 people according to regulations for Covid safe worship. The number of seats has been radically reduced. If therefore, you are able to come to Mass later on a Sunday to the 7.00 pm Mass, or to the Saturday evening 6.00 pm Mass, this could help make the 11.00 am Mass less busy.
Before you set off for church, please wear or pack a face covering. Before you enter the building, please put your face mask on. When you arrive at St Benet’s, please enter through the door marked “Entrance.” Wear a face covering at all times when you are in the building. You will be asked to sanitise your hands immediately upon entering the church.
Those coming to church with their family can sit together as a domestic bubble in clusters of four chairs. Everyone else must maintain a two metre distance from their neighbour and sit in single chairs, which have been spaced out.
The liturgy will be much simpler and shorter than usual. There will be no singing, for example, and no sharing of the peace. Communion will only be in one kind (i.e. only the Eucharistic bread and no chalice.) There will also be no refreshments after Mass. You are permitted to remove your mask in order to receive holy communion.
There will be a very simplified Sunday School on offer. This will consist in children who are nursery age and above being taken outside to our garden for a story and then play time. It will not be possible for parents to join the Sunday School under any circumstances. All children must be left in the care of our trained Sunday School teachers. It will also not be possible to admit late comers to Sunday School, and there will be a cap of 15 on the total number of children we are able to take. If you intend to come to church with your children and want them to attend Sunday School, please arrive early.
At the end of Mass, you are asked not to congregate at the back of church but to leave the building immediately. If you wish to have a socially distanced conversation, please make your way to our parish garden on Ospringe Road, where we will be able to catch up with one another.
Full details of all our Covid planning and liturgical arrangements can be found here.