Sung Mass and Sunday School is offered every Sunday at 11am. There is a daily mass and the schedule for the current week can be found in the weekly newsletter published here or by consulting the posters outside the church.
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The Mass is the only form of worship the New Testament records Jesus telling his disciples to celebrate in memory of him. It is the source and summit of our mission as Christians. In the Mass, we encounter the living Christ and are sent out into the world by him to be his Body.
The Mass is a service which has many different names in different traditions such as the “Eucharist,” or “Holy Communion.” Whatever it may be called, it is an occasion in which the people of God take bread and wine in accordance with Christ’s command. We give thanks for all God’s many blessings, and repeat Christ’s own words over that bread and wine. Those earthly gifts are transformed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit, to become the Body and Blood of Christ. Christians receive that Body and Blood of Christ, so that the living Lord might dwell in them, and draw them ever closer into the mystery of his love.
In the Mass, we experience the presence of Christ himself. We are drawn into the saving power of the Cross, and plead Christ’s sacrifice made to the Father for us. We make intercession for the living and the dead; and we receive a glimpse of the future glory that is to be ours in heaven.
St Benet’s is a community which gathers every day to celebrate the Mass together. The said Mass we celebrate on weekdays is a quiet said service lasting about 20 minutes. On Sundays, our Mass is more elaborate with music, a sermon, hymns, and Sunday School for children, lasting about 1 hour.