Jesus speaks to us in our gospel reading this Sunday about giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.
It doesn’t take too much imagination to realise why this Sunday’s passage has been a favourite proof text for politicians, rulers, and representatives of secular power over the centuries.
Jesus, presented with a question about taxation, asks for a coin and points out that it is Caesar’s image which is imprinted on it.
So if the denarius is to be paid to Caesar because it belongs to him, what are the things that belong to God?
Well, if there’s one place you’re guaranteed to find God’s image it’s within us. Human beings, we are told in Genesis, are made in the image of God. We are his handiwork and we belong to him. We are stamped with his image.
So this teaching is less about political theory, the role of the secular state, or taxation policy, and more about what it means to be human.
To be a follower of Jesus Christ is to acknowledge that above all things, and before all other allegiances, we belong to God.
Fr Peter Anthony
Recording of this Sunday’s Mass
A recording of this Sunday’s Mass (29th Sunday in Ordinary Time) with a homily will be available here on our parish YouTube channel from the evening of 10th October.
This week’s pew sheet is available here.
C4WS Homeless Charity

Our collaboration with Pond Square URC Church and C4WS in manning a winter shelter is going to be run differently this year due to COVID19 restrictions.It will not involve the “rolling” shelter with a different church hosting the shelter each evening. C4WS has decided to hire a hotel in Victoria, and to man the homeless shelter in one location, so it can comply with social distancing and COVID regulations.
We are all being asked to communicate to C4WS the numbers of volunteers we can provide to man the hostel through the winter. The idea is that we would aim to staff it on the same night of the week as we used to at Pond Square – i.e. Sunday nights. However, if you are able to offer you time on other days, I’m sure they would love to hear from you.
We need a range of people willing to do shopping, make meals, wash up, do overnight shifts, wash laundry, and befriend guests.
If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity this winter, please fill in this form and return it to Fr Peter to indicate your availability and time commitment so he can communicate that to C4WS.
Many thanks indeed to all our volunteers and to C4WS for responding so creatively to the present situation.
Theology Book Club: Ghost Ship by A.D.A. France-Williams
Tuesday 27th Oct 7.30 pm

Our next theology book club session looks at an extraordinary new work called Ghost Ship just published this year by A.D.A. France Williams. His book tackles head on the problems of racism and prejudice within the Church of England.Sam Wells has the following to say about Ghost Ship: ‘France-Williams employs a formidable range of approaches – among them testimony, academic categories, careful research, interviews, anecdote, poetry, humour, parody, exegesis and close reading – to mount a compelling and urgent argument for the church’s institutional and personal failure to receive the gift the Holy Spirit in the lives, bodies and callings of its BAME witnesses. Most of all he models prophetic ministry: pleading, portraying, persuading and ultimately inspiring the church that has caused so much hurt and grief but that despite all he still bravely loves. This is a testament of truth; and an epistle of power.’
The purpose of the St Benet’s Book Club will be to offer a forum for theological reflection and debate in the light of a book that we agree to read together. The Theology Book club meets by Zoom. The idea is that a book is discussed each time we meet at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday evening. It would be ideal to have read the book before the seminar, but if you are still half way through or just starting, don’t let that stop you joining us.
It is expected that participants acquire their own copies of the texts to be discussed. All of the books proposed are currently in print as paperbacks and can be obtained on Amazon.
Zoom meeting ID for 27th Oct: Meeting ID: 820 0252 0620
Church cleaning day
Services for the week beginning 18th October 2020
Sunday 18th October 2020
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm Mass
Tuesday 20th October
11.00 am Mass
Wednesday 21st October
7.30 pm Mass
Thursday 22nd October
S. John Paul II
7.30 pm Mass
Friday 23rd October
S. John of Capistrano
11.00 am Mass
Saturday 24th October
6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 25th October
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11.00 am Sung Mass
7.00 pm Mass
Full details of all our Covid planning and liturgical arrangements can be found here.