In our readings at this Sunday’s Mass, we hear the words of the prophet Isaiah speaking about a voice crying out, making a way for the Lord in the desert. Our Gospel reading makes it clear that voice is John the Baptist, pointing to Christ and showing him to be the long expected Messiah.
Mark’s gospel tells us John saw his whole life and ministry not as important in itself, but as pointing to Jesus, whose sandal strap he declares himself not to be worthy enough even to untie.
As we prepare for Christmas, we should aim to copy John’s attitude. Amongst all the present buying and tree dressing, amongst all the anxiety about how we will be able to meet this year, and the stress caused by COVID, we must remember the whole feast points to Christ, our Saviour
Fr Peter Anthony
The resumption of public worship
Our usual schedule of worship resumes from Sunday 6th December. One small exception is that there will be no 7.00 pm Sunday evening Mass until the New Year.
We will continue to upload a recording of the Sunday Mass with a homily each week to our YouTube channel, for those unable to get to church. This will be available from Saturday evenings onwards. We hope this will be of use for all those who wish to unite their prayer with that being offered at the altar of St Benet’s during this period.
You are asked to observe the now customary regulations of keeping a 2 metre distance from anyone else in the building, sanitising your hands upon entry, and always wearing a face mask.
Planning for Christmas 2020
We are able to plan our schedule of services for Christmas 2020 with a little more certainty now we know public worship is permitted again.
This year’s services will be made complicated by the need for social distancing and could be affected by regulations that may emerge closer to the time. At the very least, it will be necessary to book (entirely free) tickets for most of the main sung liturgies so we can predict how many people will be present in our building. We can fit a maximum of around 50 people in the church at the moment.
We aim to offer the following liturgies:
Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 20th December at 6.00 pm
Midnight Mass on Thursday 24th December 9.00 pm
Mass on Christmas Day at 11.00 am
There will be no congregational singing at any of our Christmas liturgies, but there will be a choir/cantor present singing for us.
Could we ask parishioners to start booking tickets NOW for the Christmas liturgies they intend to come to? Please send Fr Peter an email indicating how many tickets you need for which service, and whether those attending are from the same household or bubble.
Confirmation next Sunday
It will be a great joy to welcome Bishop Jonathan next Sunday to confirm our confirmation candidates. It will not be possible to have any form of refreshments after the service. Please ensure you arrive early for Mass, as we have a minimum number imposed on us by COVID restrictions, and the guests of the confirmation candidates need to be given priority.
Services for the week beginning 6th December 2020
Sunday 6th December 2020
Advent 2
11.00 am Sung Mass
Tuesday 8th December
Immaculate Conception of the BVM
11.00 am Mass
Wednesday 9th December
Advent feria
7.30 pm Mass
Thursday 10th December
Our Lady of Loreto
7.30 pm Mass
Friday 11th December
Advent feria
11.00 am Mass
Saturday 12th December
6.00 pm Vigil Mass of Sunday
Sunday 13th December
Advent 3
11.00 am Sung Mass & Confirmation