On the Second Sunday of Advent we hear the call of John the Baptist: a voice crying in the wilderness prepare a way for the Lord! He was an outsider who spoke the truth, and many would not listen to him. Will we? And how can we respond?
You can read the scripture readings for this Sunday here.
On Wednesday 8th December at 7:30pm we join with the congregation at Saint Silas NW5 3QP to celebrate a Sung Mass for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Guy is singing the mass and preaching. All welcome.
Next Sunday School
will be December 12th at 11am.
Confirmation Mass 2022 Bishop Jonathan is coming to Baptise and Confirm on Sun 27th Feb 2022 at 11am. Speak to Father Guy if you are interested in exploring this or email him: father.guy@saintbenets.org.uk
Christmas Dates for your Diary
Christmas Carols – Sunday 19th December 6pm
Children’s Carols Round the Crib – Friday 24th December 4pm
Midnight Mass, 1st Mass of Christmas – Friday 24th December 11.30pm
Solemn Mass of Christmas Day – Saturday 25th December 11am
The cover art this week is a fragment of an altarpiece from the Workshop of Sandro Botticelli (1444/5-1510) depicting Saint John the Baptist, held in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, USA.