Jesus ascends to heaven with comission and a promise: a comission to be witnesses to him ‘to the ends of the earth’ and a promise that he will return. And so it falls to us to share the the Good News of his birth, death and resurrection until he comes again. What we need to consider is how we can share what we have recieved. What opportunites do you have? Please pray for: The Faithful departed The Homezone festival on Lupton Street will take place on Saturday 11th June. Pentecost is Sunday 5th June and at 5pm we are invited to join our neighbours at Our Lady, Help of Christians on Lady Margaret Road for sung Evening Prayer. The preacher will be Fr Lawrence Lew, OP, Prior of St Dominic’s. Patronal Festival of Saint Benet Monday 11th July – 7pm Yours in Christ Jesus Our Lord, Father Guy |
7th Sunday of Easter of the Ascension of the Lord Sunday 29th May 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School Easter Feria Monday 30th May 6.30pm Mass Of Requiem The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday 31st May 8.30am Mass St Justin Wednesday 1st June 6.30pm Mass and Benediction SS Marcellinus and Peter Thursday 2nd June 8.30am Mass SS Charles Lwanga & Companions Friday 3rd June 12 noon Mass For Her Majesty the Queen Easter Feria Saturday 4th June Father Guy’s rest day Pentecost Sunday 5th June 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School with Holy Baptism and Prayers for the Queen 5pm Sung Vespers at Our Lady Help of Christians, Lady Margaret Road |