True peace is not something that can simply be imposed; it must also be desired – one of the many insights from this Sunday’s gospel. So as we pray and work for peace in our lives, community and world we must seek not only the means of reconciliation. We must also ask God that through us he might inspire in others a yearning for his peace. Please pray for: The Faithful departed Those to be ordained To prepare spiritually for our Patronal Festival of St Benet there is a short prayer to say every day between now and the Festival. This prayer can also be found at the shrine of Saint Benet. A novena card is in each order of service; please take it with you and use it! Patronal Festival of Saint Benet Monday 11th July – 7pm Father Guy |
14th Sunday of the Year Sunday 3rd July 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School St Elizabeth of Portugaal Monday 4th July 8.30am Mass St Antony Mary Zaccaria Tuesday 5th July No Mass St Maria Goretti Wednesday 6th July No Mass Feria Thursday 7th July 8.30am Mass Feria Friday 8th July 12 noon Mass Our Lady of Saturday Saturday 9th July 3pm Ordination Mass at St Michael’s Croydon St Benedict, Our Patron on the 15th Sunday of the Year Sunday 10th July 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School, followed by a party |