In the account of the Transfiguration, Peter, James and John see a foretaste of the glory of the resurrection of Jesus which is to come. This reminds us that as we journey through our time of penitence in Lent we do so with the knowledge that Christ’s victory over death at Easter is assured. So too as we journey through our life on earth, we persevere in sure and certain hope of our resurrection to eternal life with Him. You can find the readings for this coming Sunday here. The cover art is The Transfiguration of Christ and the Raising of Lazarus from an English 13th Century Oxford Psalter, held in the British Library (Royal 1 D X f. 4). |
2nd Sunday of Lent
11am Sung Mass and Sunday SchoolSunday 25th February Lent Feria
Monday 26th February 6.30pm Mass 7pm Bible Study Lent Feria Tuesday 27th February 6.30pm Mass & Benediction Lent Feria Wednesday 28th February 8.30am Mass Lent Feria Thursday 29th February 8.30am Mass St David Friday 1st March 12 noon Mass (Latin) 6.30pm Stations of the Cross Lent Feria Saturday 2nd March No Mass 3rd Sunday of Lent Sunday 3rd March |