On Remembrance Sunday we offer mass for all those who have died in war and we ask that God would receive them with mercy into his eternal peace, giving thanks for those who sacrificed their freedom for ours. We also have an opportunity to reflect on both historical and ongoing conflict in the world. By this act of remembering we begin to become peacemakers for the future. The readings for this Sunday are not available online. |
Remembrance Sunday
Sunday 10th November 11am Sung Mass of Requiem and Sunday School St Martin Monday 11th November 11am Act of Remembrance 6.30pm Mass St Josaphat Tuesday 12th November 8.30am Mass Feria Wednesday 13th November 6.30pm Mass & Benediction Feria Thursday 14th November 7.30pm High Mass at St Silas Of Requiem St Albert the Great Friday 15th November No Mass St Edmund of Abingdon Saturday 16th November No Mass 33rd Sunday of the Year Sunday 17th November 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |