This Sunday it is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple; forty days after his birth, Jesus is brought to the Temple by Mary and Joseph. It is not only a fulfilment of law and custom, but a fulfilment of ancient prophecy. It is this child, Jesus the Christ, who will bring ‘light to the Gentiles’ and ‘glory to his people, Israel.’ The readings for this Sunday are available here. Please pray for: The Faithful departed Wine Tasting: ‘Wines of Lebanon’ Thursday 13th February 7pm Pilgrimage to Lourdes Those aged 12-18 stay at the Youth Village and are subsidised by the Society so it costs only £100. The adult price is £765 plus a single room supplement of £140 if desired. Booking at: The cover art is is Presentazione di Gesù al tempio by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (1285 – 1348). Held in the Uffizi, Florence. |
The Presentation of the Lord
Sunday 2nd February 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School SS. Laurence, Dunstan and Theodore Monday 3rd February 6.30pm Mass Of Requiem Feria Tuesday 4th February No Mass St Agatha Wednesday 5th February 6.30pm Mass & Benediction SS. Paul Miki and Companions Thursday 6th February 8.30am Mass Feria Friday 7th February 11am Mass (Latin, readings in English) Of St Josephine St Josephine Bakhita Saturday 8th February No Mass 5th Sunday of the Year Sunday 9th February 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |