Rembrandt: the Healing of Peter’s Mother in Law
Sunday 8th February: 11am Sung Mass and Children’s Sunday School
We hear in our Gospel this Sunday the story of the healing of Peter’s Mother in Law. It’s a passage that often raises questions amongst commentators about a wide range of ideas such as how we explain the way in which Jesus accomplished this miracle, or what we learn about Peter’s marital status. This often misses the nub of the story. The gospel writer Mark is careful to note that once healed, Peter’s Mother in Law gets up and serves the whole household. This story possibly focuses less on HOW God heals, and more on WHY God heals. We are healed in order to be set free to serve others.
Join us this Sunday as we think about the ways in which God heals, empowers, and liberates us so that we can serve.
Details will also be published this Sunday about the pilgrimages we plan to make to Walsingham this year. Further information and application forms can be found here.