Sunday 1st March 11am: Sung Mass and Children’s Sunday School
During Lent, our Sunday catechesis will take as its topic the theme which our Lent discussion group will be addressing in the following week. On Tuesday 3rd March, that discussion group will meet at 7.30pm in the Vicarage. We hope to explore this week how our Christian faith effects how we might want to educate our children in the context of the family, school, and our parish community.
We value and cherish the children in our parish community very simply because they are a wonderful and beautiful gift from God. By honouring their place in our parish family, and by responding to their needs, we recognise their God given dignity and vocation as Christians.
It is a particular delight to baptise Elise this morning. As we see her made one with Christ, we will remind ourselves afresh of the baptismal calling which every member of our parish has – young and old alike. Because many members of Elise’s family will have travelled from Germany for her baptism, portions of the Baptismal Rite will take place in German. We look forward to celebrating with her and her family this splendid occasion.