In apparently harsh words and rather cryptic parables, Jesus challenges the crowds who want to follow him in this week’s Gospel. The ultimate message is clear, even if the details are challenging and confusing: to be a follower of Jesus means we need to put God first. Above each other, above our possesions, above even ourselves. Please pray for: Father Guy |
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 4th September 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School Feria Monday 5th September 6.30pm Mass Feria Tuesday 6th September 8.30am Mass Feria Wednesday 7th September 6.30pm Mass & Benediction Of the Holy Cross The Birthday of the Blessed Virign Mary Thursday 8th September 8.30am Mass 7pm Mass at St Silas St Peter Claver Friday 9th September 10am Mass Our Lady on Satuday Saturday 10th September Father Guy’s rest day 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 11th September 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |