Humans often speak as if we are in complete control: of the economy, of the climate, of our own lives. The truth is that we are not the masters we think we are. This Sunday’s readings remind us that one day the world as we know it will pass away, when Jesus comes again to judge the living and dead at the end of time. But we are not called to be fatalisitc in this knowledge – but hopeful. The readings for this Sunday are available here. |
33rd Sunday of the Year
Sunday 17th November 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul Monday 18th November 6.30pm Mass Feria Tuesday 19th November 8.30am Mass Feria Wednesday 20th November 6.30pm Mass & Benediction The Presentation of the Blessed Virigin Mary Thursday 21st November 8.30am Mass St Cecilia Friday 22nd November 12 noon Mass (Latin) St Clement I Saturday 23rd November No Mass Christ the King Sunday 24th November 11am Sung Mass & Benediction and Sunday School |