This coming Sunday is the last before Christmas; Sung Mass and Sunday School at 11am and Christmas Lessons and Carols with choir at 6pm, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. On Christmas Eve the Children’s Crib service will be at 4pm and Midnight Mass at 11.30pm. Then on Christmas morning, Sung Mass at 11am. Let us pray that all would acknowledge the meaning of Christmas: that in Jesus Christ, God has become man for our salvation. The readings for this Sunday are available here. |
4th Sunday of Advent
O Rex Gentium Sunday 22nd December 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School 6pm Christmas Lessons and Carols Advent Feria O Immanuel Monday 23rd December 6.30 pm Mass Advent Feria Tuesday 24th December 10am Mass Christmas Eve 4pm Children’s Carols at the Crib 11.30pm Midnight Mass Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December 11am Sung Mass St Stephen Thursday 26th December 11am Mass St John Friday 27th December 12 noon Mass (Latin, readings in English) The Holy Innocents Saturday 28th December No Mass The Holy Family Sunday 29th December 11am Sung Mass and Sunday School |