The Alpha Course continues at St Luke’s, Oseney Crescent and as we come to the mid-point of the sessions Tom, our Pastoral Assistant, offers a reflection on the course so far:
In my last posting as a PA, our catechesis took the form of the (relatively new) Pilgrim Course; St Benet’s has joined with St Luke’s for an Alpha Course, which is something I knew to be rather different. As such, I confess that I had approached it with a little trepidation. Attending the sessions weekly with a small group of parishioners on a Wednesday evening has, however, changed my view of the course entirely and I’ve been most impressed with what I’ve seen. Although as the name suggests, its very much an introductory course, it has been an excellent opportunity to revisit and discuss the fundamentals of my faith with people from a variety of backgrounds.
Each week we have a talk from one of the team at St Luke’s on a particular theme (such as prayer, or reading the Bible) and then time to discuss the talk and broader theme afterwards. A delicious supper is always provided to start with, as are drinks, which makes for an enjoyable and interesting evening of conversation. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anybody, whether lifelong Christian or skeptical atheist.
Alpha runs on Wednesday evenings from 7-8.45pm at St Luke’s Church, Oseney Crescent; its not too late to come along for a few sessions – speak to Fr Peter or Tom for more details.